Cal 702-227-2232 9am
to 3 pm weekdays For Incorporation Services see Inc Legals Services
Limited Office
Identity Package
Annual Fee: $
The Limited Office Identity Package Includes:
Nevada address and private suite number for business
mail and checking account processing 401 S. Frontage Rd., Suite
C3- xxx,
Pahrump, NV 89048
Corporate answering service (M-F, 9:00 a.m. to
p.m.) Telephone: (702) 227-2232
forwarding service; there is a service charge of $5.00 handling per action
plus the shipping cost.
Forward Mail to: ____________________________________________________________________________
How Often: ______________________________________________________
Routine copier and facsimile service
Mail Room may be contacted directly by either e-mailing
or call 702-227-2244
* Limited Office Identity is not to be used for bulk mail. To receive bulk mail, you must use Active Office Identity. *
Incoming Pages
$1.00 first page/$.50 each additional
Outgoing Pages
$2.00 first page $4.00 International,
additional pages $1, $2 International
Single Copies
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$0.25 each
Shipping & Mailing
Delivery Services charges (postage)
Actual Cost+
Handling per specific instructions
$5.00 per complete shipment
Office Identify
It is understood that the office identity services are provided on a
monthly basis
and that NVFST takes no responsibility for the actions of the client
and those services. Payments received are not refundable.
Payment of______________ is processed by Credit Card (Visa
CC No .____________________________________________Exp. Date_____________ CCV____________
Numeric portion of the credit card billing
address (i.e. 210 Main Street)__________, and Zip code___________
or enclose a check and mail to
3050 Sirius Ave, Suite 103, Las Vegas, NV 89102.
PRINT AND FAX TO 702-227-2222 or e-mail to
** Applicant agrees to use services in accordance with Inc Legal Services rules and in compliance with all U.S. Postal regulations, as
well as local, state and federal statutes and regulations. Failure to do
so may result in cancellation of service without notice, refund or mail